A full day on blue runs to discover the entire Grand Domaine between Doucy, St-François-Longchamp and Valmorel.

Time: full day

Level: blue runs

Skipass: Grand Domaine

Stage 1

pierrafort valmorel

Departure from Valmorel – hamlet of Crève-Cœur (accessible via the Télébourg or skibus shuttles), at the Pierrafort gondola.

Stage 2

Morel Valmorel

On leaving the gondola lift, put on your skis and head for the Oratoire slope, turning sharp left towards the Morel chairlift.

Morel Valmorel

Stage 3

spot photo valmorel

At the top, take a photo stop on the old red 2-seater, which guarantees a perfect frame with the protected Lauzière massif in the background.

Stage 4

Follow the first part of the Arenouillaz slope before turning left towards Mucillon (just before the arrival of the Roset chairlift).


Then take the Madeleine chairlift to the top, where you’ll be amazed! You’ll have a 360° view over the Maurienne valley and as far as the Ecrins, as well as the Mont-Blanc behind you. Change to the St Francois ski area, on the Frêneslope, then Longchamp.

Stage 5

Cross the resort of St François to reach the Marquis chairlift at Le Hameau.


Once at the top of the Marquis, we suggest an optional descent on the Rimolard slope, which is often deserted even though it is well worth the effort.

Stage 6

madeleine SFL

To get back on the other side, turn left at the top of the Marquis chairlift and follow the Emeraude slope (a green one, as its name suggests!) and take the Soleil Rouge chairlift, with its black and red seats!

In this sector, the first part of the slope is the Shogun, then the Bartavelle and the Route des fermes, which you should follow to get back to the Frêne chairlift.

From up there (not recommended for snowboarders!), we suggest you head for the famous Col de la Madeleine via the blue Col slope.

madeleine SFL

Stage 7

And if it’s lunchtime, don’t hesitate to take a seat on one of the restaurant terraces: on one side, the 2 Mazots, and on the other, the Banquise, the historic building of this important stopping-off point!


Stage 8

retour madeleine valmorel

After a good local meal, it’s time to think about heading back to Valmorel! The Madeleine slope,

retour madeleine valmorel

Stage 9

teleski Valette

will take you to the foot of the Madeleine chairlift, which we suggest you take again to enjoy the magnificent undulating Grande Combe slope on the other side of the valley. After this beautiful descent into the Combe, turn right to reach the Valette-Sources drag lifts.


Stage 10

From here, take the Arenouillaz slope, then the Traverses, to reach the other end of the resort in the Pierrafort sector.

Stage 11

At the top of the gondola, first take Les Lanches before following the Chemin des Pirates.

Stage 12

arrivee valmorel

Return to Valmorel via the hamlets of Mottet and Crève-Cœur to your starting point this morning, at the Pierrafort gondola bottom station.

arrivee valmorel

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